Monday, April 7, 2008

Another long period of time between blogs!

I'd like to try to really get back on track with blogging.
Because it's fun! :D

Greek started up again and it's already ten times better than last season which was already amazing :D
Greek is seeeeeriously the best show EVER!

My Mac is working out awesome for me, I love it!
It's making it so easy to Vlog now and do all sorts of other things.
I recommend everyone that wants a laptop to get a MacBook (regular, not Pro because the silver is ugly haha).

Okay I'm to feeling well so I'm going to go and lay down.
Hopefully I feel better in the morning :O


Noah Butler said...

quick question about the macbook thing, is there much of a difference between pro and regular?

i definitely want to get a macbook, but i definitely dont want to get an ugly one...

Eric Striffler said...

Well you can go to to see the differences, but my main thing was that I think the regular ones look much better than the Pros and the Pros aren't worth it for what I needed a MacBook for.